Monday, November 01, 2004

Sanctus 1

Ok, so it's not like real work but I feel like I have simultaneously progressed with research for my thesis, worshipped and made some new friends too. Not bad for a sunday night.

I have been to Sanctus 1's monthly worship service in Sacred Trinity at Salford. I think the best bit of the night was chatting to people before and after the official service bit. I even tagged along with people to the pub.

The worship was pretty cool too, lots of tech and candles and a relaxed atmosphere, things to do and watch and read and listen to. There's obviously a huge amount of planning and idea gathering that goes on for each service. I think I'll go to one of the smaller wednesday meets too, if only because then I can see the people I met tonight again.

Some of the people I met were first-timers like me. I was amazed to find that one couple live less than a minute's walk from my house - not bad considering we'd both driven the length of the city to be there.

I think I need to expand my thoughts on the worship tonight, but I'll save that for another time because I can feel my eyes getting heavy.

night night

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