Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Got to get down to real work now.

My proposal was accepted, signed in triplicate and copies sent off to various files in different offices in dusty corners of the college. I guess this is so that if I decide to pull a fast one (No, I didn't really agree to write 10,000 words on alt. worship!) then several people can prove I was wrong and demand a wad of double spaced paper from me.

10,000 words might not sound much to seasoned academics or anyone who's ever written a book (which seems to be most people in ministry these days) but I've never taken on so large a project. I know from terrible experience that I can write a 3,500 word essay in a day - but that doesn't mean that I should spend three days on writing up this thesis. General advice from lecturers etc. is to get on with it. now. So I shall.

I can make a start by updating the links on this site to include more alt. worshippy things. It's not much but it is a start.

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