Friday, February 18, 2005

Theology stuff

I'm not actually a natural theologian, there are lots of theological questions that interest me, but I find it more interesting to think around a question on my own than reading what other theologians have thought about that question in the past. It's not that I think there's no value in that, on the contrary, it's just that I like to think for myself.

That means that many of the things I post here will be orthodox, sound and in line with the theology I've grown up with and learnt about, other things may be slightly off the wall - and I reserve the right to think mad things because I always see these things as interesting theories and thoughts that might spur me on to further discoveries about God, but not necessarily things that I would stake my life on. I know that might get me branded as a heretic, but according to this checklist I'm one already so I don't think I have too much to fear on that score.

1 comment:

xopher_mc said...

looking forward to your next post here.
